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After Hagia Sophia, Turkey announces a historical building, Kariye Museum changed to a Mosque

Malaysia News Lab

After Hagia Sophia, Turkey announces a historical building, Kariye Museum changed to a Mosque

The president of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan officially announce the decision to change the well-known Kariyel Museum (Chora) into a mosque yesterday.
The decision to change the Kariye Museum (Chora) into a mosque was done approximately a month ago after the decision of announcing Hagia Sophia Museum as one of the World Heritage Sites by UNESCO.

The approval to change the status of Kariye Museum was permitted since last November. The historical structure aged 1000 years and it owns a similar history with Hagia Sophia.

This building was a worship house during the reign of Byzantine Empire a long time ago.

After the Empire of Byzantine was defeated by the Empire of Uthmaniyah in 1453, the function of the building has changed into Kariye Mosque a half of a decade later.

Its function changed again after World War II, which knows as Kariye Museum in 1958. – Siakap Keli

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