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Exclusive: Facing a Bumpy Future Ahead, Little Boy without Identity Papers Abandoned at Welfare Centre Since 3 Years Old.

With no recognized family name, parents, or relatives, a Chinese little boy was put into a welfare centre since he was 3 years old. Currently 12 years old, the boy couldn’t receive free education as he still hasn’t acquired his identity card.

Following an interview with the boy Xiong Hui Ming, the China Press stated that it was a middle-aged man who brought him to the welfare centre with nothing but a name. It was only recently when the centre wanted to apply for Hui Ming’s birth certificate, they found that the man who knew about Hui Ming’s past had passed away.

Although he couldn’t attend school or even know his parents, Hui Ming still makes many friends in the centre. During his leisure time, he likes to play with his friends and his favourite food is cucumber.

Currently, the welfare centre Ti-Ratana is giving full efforts in trying to make Hui Ming a legal birth certificate through all sorts of channels to let him receive free education just like any other child. The centre wants Hui Ming to be able to sustain himself in the future, and if possible, give back to society.

In the interview with the China Press, founder of the centre Datuk K. Sri Dhammaratana stated the centre pays great attention to children education. In the past when their financial condition permits, the centre is able to send children overseas for education. They can even send children who dislike academic schooling to pastry schools for them to master a skill that can sustain themselves in the future.

He said, as the pandemic runs wild throughout the whole country, the country’s economy is currently quite depressed, thus Ti-Ratana’s donations received this year has been reduced by 90% of its normal amount. This has led 500 orphans and elders into a very difficult situation.

“To these lonely elders and abandoned orphans, Ti-Ratana is not just a temporary shelter but a light of hope, a light that allows them to live on.”

“As the pandemic runs wild, generous donors stop visiting us. The depressed economy also brings down our donation received. As for now, we cannot afford the monthly RM200,000 expense for our centre anymore.”

T–Ratana is established in 1994. The centre has faced funding issues when it was planning to move to its current address in Salak Selatan. Fortunately, funds are raised successfully thanks to many generous donations from various parties. Starting from only 15 orphans until today, the centre has accepted a total of 500 orphans and elders.

Lost of Husband and Son, 95 Years Old woman Moved into Welfare Centre

After resigning from the embassy, Chou Ah Mei helps people in need to look at their Feng Shui and work as a bride assistant in wedding banquets during her free time to make a living.

She moved into Ti-Ritana 2 years before after her last relative, which is her brother, died in his 70s as she is worried that her body will grow weaker and no one will look after her.

Dhammaratana said, many projects such as saving stray dogs, moving clinics, and education plans are on hold due to insufficient funds.

He urged the public to stand out and lend a helping hand to the centre, all for the sake of giving the children and elders a complete home.

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