Local NewsOpinions

If Minister is not being penalised more than two to three times higher, then Muhyiddin should not increase the current compound, MP Seputeh

Yesterday Prime Minister Muhyiddin then announced he supports the increase of the fine “at least two to three times” higher than the current compound for breaching Covid-19 rule. This announcement made me wonder whether it will be applied across the board, to include YB Khairuddin Aman Razali, who has clearly breached the quarantine rules.

The announcement by Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin to increase the fines, reflects the lack of sympathy and the double standards practised by him.. The PM seems least concerned about the adverse consequences on the large segment of the Rakyat, who are already hard-pressed financially.

On top of that, Muhyiddin Yassin also seems unconcerned on the potential fact that the increase of fine will inevitably encourage further corrupt practices by some irresponsible enforcement officers in carrying out their duties, given that enforcement criteria is always subjective.

The breach of Covid-19 quarantine rules by Minister Khairuddin attracted haa so much attention and criticism from the public. It stems from over-policing and worse still, the double-standards applied by the authorities is dealing with the Minister who returned from Turkey.

Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin should understand and appreciate the sentiments of the ordinary rakyat at the ground level. If he still insists on increasing the fines imposed, then he should first make sure Minister Khairuddin, who has breached the quarantine rules, be penalised by two to three times higher than the current fine imposed upon him. He should now direct the AG to seek a review of the measly fine of RM1000 that has been imposed on the Minister for a serious offence, immediately.
The PM must note that breach of the rules by the Minister was not a case of not practicing social distancing or not wearing a face mask. It was far more serious.


Teresa Kok
MP for Seputeh 29 August 2020

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