Global News

Shenzhen Airlines jet plunges thousands of meters in 2 minutes, lands safely

malaysia news lab

A CHINESE flight that plunged more than 5,500 meters (18,040 feet) inside two minutes has landed safely, according to a report from state-owned media.

A Shenzhen Airlines flight dived to 3,733 meters from 9,297 meters within two minutes, about 25 minutes after taking off, according to the report by state broadcaster CCTV. The plane had taken off from Shenzhen, a city bordering Hong Kong, and was headed to Xi’an in northwest China.

The A330 built by Airbus suffered an “abnormal pressure increase” when it climbed to 9,200 meters, and the pilots followed procedure and descended to a safe height, according to a statement from Shenzhen Airlines.

The flight returned to Shenzhen at 9.13am Beijing time and all the passengers and cabin crew left the aircraft safely, the airline said in an earlier statement. – BLOOMBERG

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